Tantra allows healing to happen through release, it allows the body and the being to do this in a way and at a pace that fosters integration.
This is so important in a process as it gives a context for the healing, it allows the being to integrate and personalise the release, which helps change flow naturally, there is no force. There is only alignment and harmony.
New understandings, new ways of being, new possibilities and the actions that these bring come out of who we are, not just something we do. There is depth, because they've become part of us, of who we are.
This is reflected firstly by a process we use called Layers, secondly by the progression through layers of being, going from healing to growth to expansion.
The initial healing is driven by some level of pain, physical, mental, emotional, sexual, spiritual, relationship... The focus is on changing the condition or situation.
However, once this has happened the healing never stops, it changes character.
It becomes more about growth.
If we say healing 'has happened', we're saying that it's complete. What has happened in fact, is that we've released one, a few, many layers of an issue that is rooted in the past.
As we become more conscious of ourselves, our patterns and responses, what we've done, what we do, and release that which limits us, which no longer serves us, we begin to free ourselves from the layer of pain.
We move into the layer of growth, the layer of choice. Here healing is not based in pain, it's based on possibility. We're no longer trapped by the past, we're moving to greater freedom and to positive choice. We're more in the present, and more aware of the future we'd like to create. We also become more aware of how much of this journey is about ourselves, how responsible we are for our happiness and pleasure.
Growth brings consciousness, awareness and presence. This naturally moves us into expansion. Simply put, we become aware of more. There are no limitations, other than those we accept. The field of possibility is continuously expanding. What is within us, thoughts, feelings, energy, sensations, expands, deepens, heightens. Awareness grows.
Consciousness deepens.
There is greater presence. We are present, more of us, more of who we are, more of the resources within us. The connections we have with people, with energy, with knowledge expands.
We see life, our lives, and the world differently.
The healing never stops, because the issues of life never stop.
But we start to live in a different world.
And we see that the layers of being are infinite.
( Thanks to Jonti Searle)