Men are often intimidated in choosing a massage career. There are stories of men being discriminated against at spas or clinics with receptionists first asking if the caller wants a female or male massage therapist. The stigma is that women won’t want a male because they are intimidated by men or may have a past issue with men and they are untrusting of men. Men don’t want to be massaged by men thinking that the male massage therapist must be gay or that they will be thought of in less then favorable ways if they go to a male massage therapist. So who is left to go to a male massage therapist?
I for one am in a phase of only going to male massage therapists right now. The thing like the best is that men don’t seem to get caught up as much in some of the boundary issues that women do. Women seem to want to chat about everything and they want to offer all of their suggestions for healing or eating right or whatever it is when I just want a massage. I guess I have had male massage therapists talk the whole time too but I seem to find more male massage therapists who are just there to do the massage.
Working with a male massage therapist also helps teach us that males can be nurturing which can be good for either sex- female or male.
I have had males calling seeking male massage therapists (and not for a gay male exchange). Men have been hurt by women and men too so that a male working with a male massage therapist can receive the healing around gender issues that they need too.
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What other issues are there in working with male massage therapists? How can we support men in choosing a career in massage? What do men need to know before choosing this career?
See also:
Male issues discussed at
The Male Massage Therapist